Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How and When to Call a Doctor

Are you gonna give birth? Do you know how to make a good conversion with doctor?

She's still pregnant.
At home
(call hospital)
"Blah blah...How can I help you?"
"I think my wife's water just broke, This is our Doctor's number..."
"Okay, her name please.", "Dr mok is on call tonight, he will call you back within 20 mins"
"Hello, this is Doctor Mok, did you call me? Your wife's having a baby?..."
"Yeah, I think my baby is coming, my wife's water just broke, she's 3centimeter dilated, and the contrations start..."

We asked for a private room, not semi-private room.

At hospital
"Where’s the epidural?"
"There’s no time. You’re fully dilated and 100% effaced."
"I AM PUSHING! You want me to push harder? FINE!"
"Just one more big push!"
"she wanted the baby on her chest"
"as soon as she’s cleaned"
She gave birth to a health baby.

If you experience any bleeding or spotting, call your doctor or midwife immediately.

Before you are 37 weeks pregnant you need to call your midwife or doctor immediately if you have contractions more frequently than 10 minutes apart.

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